This week we would like to shed some light on our amazing friends at Publix, who on November 1st will once again serve as our presenting partner for the 12th Annual JT’s Ping-Pong Smash.
Our partnership with Publix began through Bill Fauerbach, a founding JTF Board Member and former Publix Vice President of South Florida. Since 2004, whether it has been assisting our key events such as the Ping Pong Smash or the Celebrity Golf Classic, providing food for Camp Katina, underwriting scholarships for the Jason Taylor football camp or even, most recently, helping us tell the story of Louder Than A Bomb Florida, Publix has generously supported our organization financially, along with resources, and personnel.
The Jason Taylor Foundation is by no means the only lucky beneficiary of Publix’s altruism. Through their annual Food For All Holiday Campaign, which serves to help fight hunger and increase the level of self-sufficiency for those in need, Publix employees and customers have rallied to donate more than 29 million dollars to give hope to individuals and families in their respective neighborhoods.
Publix Founder, George Jenkins, was once asked what he would be worth had he not given so much away and humbly answered, “probably nothing.” This iconic statement is forever backed by the actions of giving to organizations that help to keep communities succeeding.
The Jason Taylor Foundation is humbled and proud to have Publix as a long-time partner of our organization. Their support of our efforts is validation of our work to support South Florida’s children in need.