Ready 4 Peds - Jason Taylor Foundation


In July 2004, Jason Taylor, the Miami Dolphins legend and Pro Football Hall of Famer, established the Jason Taylor Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization. The Foundation’s mission is to support and create programs that facilitate the personal growth and empowerment of South Florida’s children in need by focusing on improved health care, education, and quality of life.  Since its inception, the Jason Taylor Foundation has contributed more than $10,000,000 in programs and services to benefit youth. 

Since the inaugural event in 2017, Whiffle Blast has raised funds to improve the health of sick and injured children and partnered with Handtevy to outfit EMS systems with a pediatric system of care in order to save more lives.


Chief Heath Clarke accepts the JTF donation to outfit BSO Fire Rescue in Broward County.



The success of the JTF & Handtevy partnership has allowed EMS organizations around the country to adopt Handtevy’s innovative pediatric system of care in order to increase survival rates and improve outcomes for children. The partnership strives to provide pre-hospital healthcare providers with the most advanced software, tools and education to make their difficult job easier in order to improve outcomes. One-hundred percent of contributions made to the Jason Taylor Foundation and marked as “Ready 4 Peds” will be earmarked to implement the Handtevy Pediatric System at more EMS organizations and train more first responders in the care of critically ill and injured children.

Twenty thousand children suffer cardiac arrest each year yet only 1000 (5%) survive with normal neurologic function.  Furthermore, studies have shown that pediatric dosing errors occur in up to 50% of pediatric cases in EMS.  These data have not changed for decades and over time have been accepted.  Dr. Peter Antevy, a pediatric emergency physician and EMS Medical Director sought to change these numbers and correct these issues.

In 2018, Pediatric Emergency Standards partnered with the Jason Taylor Foundation to fund city wide implementations of the Handtevy System.  The company’s suite of mobile applications, hands-on training, and durable goods are designed to significantly reduce medication errors and improve outcomes from pediatric cardiac arrest.  A 2022 publication from Denver, CO demonstrated the efficacy of the program (figure 1).



In 2019, Polk County Fire Rescue published a study demonstrating a 4-fold improvement in cardiac arrest survival after implementing the Handtevy System. Other cities have reported similar outcomes translating into more neurologically intact survivors.

For more information, please call (954) 424-0799 or visit, or follow us on Twitter and Instagram @JTFoundation99 (#Ready4Peds).