JTF Forum - Jason Taylor Foundation

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In an effort to better tell the story of the Jason Taylor Foundation, we have drawn upon those who know best the value of our programming.  The JTF Forum is a weekly blog that will allow our readers and followers to learn directly from those who direct our original programs, those who benefit from it, and even from those who support it physically and/or financially.

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JTF Forum Stories


Why We Established Cool Gear for the School Year

  Why We Established Cool Gear for the School Year by Jason Taylor   I didn’t grow up with much. My Mom busted her tail, working at least two jobs per day to make sure we were fed and had a place to live, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’


bluapple Poetry Summer Writing Workshops

  bluapple Poetry Summer Writing Workshops   [image src=”https://jasontaylorfoundation.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/bluapple_network_logo_clr-1.png” shape=”img-rounded”]   As a student in high school, I wish I’d