Urban Air Adventure Park and The Jason Taylor Foundation announce the 2024-2025 “blu is For Apples” Poetry Contest as part of its Louder Than A Bomb Florida poetry festival. In partnering with Broward and Miami-Dade County Public Schools, we are inviting your school to participate in this great program to hold the contest. The contest window is September 1, 2024, through December 6, 2024.
If you wish to have your school participate, please email the Program Coordinator, Shaviah Hamilton, at shaviah@jasontaylorfoundation.com
Students will write a poem based on a chosen theme
The goal is to promote school-wide interest in creative writing and literacy through poetry. Students will produce a piece of poetry, in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. The targeted audience is students in grades K-5.
Students will be grouped into three categories:
- Category 1 – Kindergarten & 1st Grade
- Category 2 – 2nd Grade & 3rd Grade
- Category 3 – 4th Grade & 5th Grade
When you’re ready, go to jasontaylorfoundation.com or submit your entries HERE.
CATEGORY WINNERS: The two winning students from each school’s category will win one free scoop of ice cream for them and their classmates.
Schools will select the top two poems in each CATEGORY- (max- 6 poems per school). If you wish to have your school participate, please email the Program Coordinator, Shaviah Hamilton, at shaviah@jasontaylorfoundation.com
(Judges will select ONE winning poem from each school. The winner of each school will be eligible to earn the title of Grand Prize Winner. There will only be ONE Grand Prize Winner.)
Contestants are not allowed to use any AI platform, such as Chat GPT, Google AI, H20, or any other similar technology, to generate their poems. If it is discovered that a participant has used AI to generate their poem, they will be disqualified. This rule ensures that the competition remains fair and encourages participants to showcase their own creativity and writing capability.
CATGEGORY WINNERS: The two winning students from each school’s category will win a party for their classroom. Max 10 schools. Winners will also be invited to participate in the Louder Than a Bomb Florida Firecracker Showcase on Saturday, April 5, 2025, during National Poetry Month.
SCHOOL WINNERS: The overall winning student from each school (1 student per school) will receive a congratulatory certificate and a customized candy apple from Hoffman’s Chocolates. Max 10 apples. The educator with the overall winning poem will receive an additional $500 donation for their classroom (funds will be administered through the school’s bookkeeper).
GRAND PRIZE WINNER: The grand prize winner will receive a personalized party at Urban Air Adventure Park for a small group of family and friends. The Grand Prize Winner will be recognized at the Louder Than a Bomb Florida Firecracker Showcase on Saturday, April 5, 2025.